Friday, February 25, 2022

Title Design Planning Blog

 Title Design 


  • The opening credits of our film will appear embedded in the story world of our sequence. It will appear on the beige “Case files” while two interviewers are talking to a suspect. 

  • For example, our “Detectives” will slam a “Case file” down on the table with credits on there. 

  • Our working title now is: “Blurred Lines” 

  • The font or in this case the handwriting will appear rushed and be done messy yet still readable to give the appearance that whoever did write them was rushing to get them done and move onto the next case. 

  • The titles will be seen on screen on the case files, handwritten and will overall disappear after another file/ title is thrown on top of it or it is wiped off the desk physically. 

  • It will be written in black sharpie ink, so it will stand out against the beige of the folder. 

  • For the “Directed by” at the end of the sequence, we will be using a font like: This to simulate a typewriter like font and will be big. 

Other Info Planning Blog

Location- For the detective’s office and the family’s house we will be using Ashley's house. This location is near another desired filming location, Harbor’s Edge Park. This park can be used to film the murder discoveries and other outdoor scenes 



  • Actors 

Ashley Scanlan- Investigator 1 

Celine Ramon-Fortune- Investigator 2 

Michael Smith- Daniel 

Sabrina Stock- Dead wife 

  • Filming 

Ashley Scanlan 

Celine Ramon-Fortune 

Sabrina Stock 

  • Editing 

Micheal Smith 

Sabrina Stock 

  • Director  

Sabrina Stock 

Health & Safety 

For reassurance of our group's safety, we have made sure that we have an adult on set. For any emergencies that could happen, one of our members will carry a first aid kit. We also have cellular phones if we need to call 9-1-1 for any extreme situation. For any scene where we have a knife as a murder weapon, it will be a fake knife, which is dulled out and will then again have our first-aid kit prepared. For any scenes that involve blood, it will be fake blood bought from a costume store.  

Every prop such as handcuffs, police badges are all fake and costume decorations/accessories. The lighter will be fake;  


3/6/22: On this date we will begin filming our first half of the movie complete with props, and any other things we might need.  

3/13/22: On this date we will film the other half of our movie along with our title sequence.  

3/27/22: We will use this filming date to complete any scenes that we think need to be redone, as well as complete any we might have missed due to a group member being absent  

3/28/22-4/12/22: We will begin the compiling and editing immediately after filming so we will have enough time to finish and complete any film reviews.  

Back-up plan 

If one of our group members is absent, we plan on filming scenes that we do not need them in. Also, since one of our locations is outside, if it rains, we plan on filming in the house but in a different area, so audiences do not get confused. This will enable the scenes to coordinate well.  

CCR Opening Sequence

 Here is the CCR for the mystery opening sequence; it was a pleasure!