Before choosing my groupmates, I always create a list of criteria that I want them to fit. This time I am looking to work with more people. So, I want at least one of my groupmates to be able to drive to get from setting to setting. In addition to that, I need them to be comfortable with acting and being on camera. It would be ideal for all members to be on camera, but I can deal with one being uncomfortable with being on camera. If anything they could be a dedicated camera-person. On the topic of cameras, one would hopefully have one or have a high-quality phone camera. However, a new criterion is that I want at least two members to be relatively new people. I think one of the most important parts about filmmaking is coming together to make something great with people who you don't always personally know. This criterion is important to me because I personally want to grow in meeting and working with new people. Other than that, there is no strict criterion.
The first person I chose is Sabrina, who has a relatively free schedule. Not only that, I know she is hardworking so I can trust her. In addition, I asked her to pick two people that I don't know so I can grow in working with new people.
Once Sabrina suggested Ashely, I immediately agreed because Ashley has a car. This would make it really easy for us to pick locations to film and go together. She also is fine with acting on screen.
Finally, I agreed to work with Celine because she sounded like she had many great ideas. She would be very helpful in coming up with pitches for the Opening sequence. I also always think it's nice to have someone else check your creative ideas.