Friday, March 4, 2022

Storyboarding Mystery Opening Sequence

 Scene 1- Our establishing show shows investigator 1 in a medium shot at eye level. Diegetic office sounds are heard INV 1 has to make upon to make them look tired. The actor is dressed in semi-professional clothing. 

Scene 2- INV 1 is then seen in an over-the-shoulder shot showing multiple files thrown over a desk. Acting seems like they are stressed and working hard. Diegetic Sounds can still be heard from the “office.” The lighting is very bright within the office. 

Scene 3- INV 1 is shown from a close-up, low-angle shot kicking a file desk harshly and angrily.  

Scene 4- The shot cuts to a close-up of INV looking at a crime case file with a sign that appears later in scenes. Slowly zooming into it.  

Scene 5- The camera pans to a side profile of INV. A voiceover is used to say “I can't be crazy” 

Scene 6- We then use a shot-reverse-shot to display a conversation between INV 1 and 2 in their office setting. They are both dressed as semi-professional investigators.  

Scene 7- This ends with an over-the-shoulder shot/medium long shot, where INV 2 hands INV 1 a new case file. INV 2 seems very uptight, and angry; she walks off into a room. 

Scene 8- In a long shot, INV 1 walks into the room finding INV 2 staring at a caser bored filled with connecting dots. 

Scene 9- There's a tracking shot of the two INV following them from the chest up with short dialogue. The lighting is dark to emulate a sort of mysteriousness. Ominous music is used here. 

Scene 10- A close-up shot of INV 1 with a voice-over simulating an inner monologue. Her face is blank, objective, no one can see what Shes thinking. 

Scene 11- The camera will be a close-up of Investigator 1, as they turn around and close the door of the investigation room. When she closes the door, it will look like it slams in front of the camera's ‘’face’’. 

Scene 12- The camera will dissolve into the next part where Daniel will be seen. He will be sitting at the table while investigators 1 and 2 slap a file down at the same time. He will be shown at a high angle to symbolize a power imbalance. 

Scene 13- The camera will now show the investigators at a high angle from Daniels' POV. Daniel is still at the table and starts to get overwhelmed. He cries and says ‘’I did not do it!!’’ while the investigators are standing. 

Scene 14- Both investigators sit down, and investigator 2 looks through the files to search for clues and evidence. They will show titles like producer, editing, etc here 

Scene 15- A close-up shot between INV 2 and Daniel. INV 2 is acting sweetly. Daniel is tired and stressed makeup is used to portray this. Dialogue between the two characters ensues.  

Scene 16- Scene 17- Close up shot of INV 2 hand grabbing Daniels, then a low angle of INV 2 face; “then help me find out who killed her” 

Scene 18-Pov shot of INV 1 spotting the same sign the spotted earlier 

Scene 19- Investigator 1 sees the symbol in the file multiple times, as the interview continues, and she gets very frantic, showcased in an extreme close up of their eyes 

Scene 20- Tracking shot of Investigator 1 stomps over and slams the file down on the table. She grabs Daniel’s collar and says angrily ‘’ What do they mean!’’. 

Scene 21- A tracking shot shows INV 2 standing up to pull INV 1 off Daniel. She pushes INV 1 out the door. 

Scene 22- In an over-the-shoulder shot, INV 2 takes INV 1 outside, and shoves coffee into her hands. INV 2 says to INV 1Oh my god, what is wrong with you, someone died! This is not one of your conspiracy theories. Get it together.” 

Scene 23- IN a two-shot, INV 2 leaves INV 1 outside. When she walks through the door, she slams the door, hard. 

Scene 24- Jump cut to INV 1 sits down on an empty bench, sipping the coffee by themself, a medium close-up shot of their face. 

Scene 25- A stranger approaches and sits next to INV 1, the camera zooms out to show their figure slightly, she takes a cigarette out. 

Scene 26- INV 1 takes out her own cigarette, turns to the stranger, and asks, “can I get a light?” 

Scene 27- the stranger proceeds to hand over the lighter, the camera zooms in to show it engraved with the same modus operandi that INV 1 notices all day, the camera will become canted.  

Scene 28- The camera then shows a long shot to a tilt slowly up  

Scene 29- Slowly, the sky fades out into the darkness from the bottom up. Non-diegetic sound can be heard as mystery-type music from the soundtrack plays. 

Scene 30- For the end of the opening, the sky will do a fade out. The opening credits will start to show. (Directed by) 







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CCR Opening Sequence

 Here is the CCR for the mystery opening sequence; it was a pleasure!